9.5mm Universal HT. Injection Port Septum,. Silicone transparent. 09 18 0936. 25 pieces in an amber Screw Neck Vial. For all Injectors. For Model 226 GC.
This kind of septum was used for sample preparation before SPME–GC–MS analysis of 3, Brand 3, silicone white/PTFE, Ultra Clean, screw cap, 45, 1.3, 18.
Components on top of the injection port of GC systems that provide a leak-free seal between the atmosphere and carrier gas and minimize the introduction of
Aug 5, 2022 Injector septa used in Gas Chromatography provide a critical role in ... 9. General Purpose White Septa. 10. HT-X High-Performance Septa.
No septa. 11mm Crimping Tools. 11 06 0006. 11 07 0002. AL666011 / CP10231. AL98711 / CP10236. 11mm Crimper Varian Vista, CTC GC/Combi PAL ... 09 18 0936.
The 5, 9, 11 and 11.5 mm diameter Long Life septa are available with a unique pre-pierced center depression which guides the syringe needle to the same
Aijiren now treats each premium 11 mm inlet septa to eliminate sticking in the GC inlet. With our premium non-stick septa, you'll never have to scrape bits
Further 11mm Aluminium Crimp Seals with different Septa GC. +. G. C/MS. SHORT THREAD ND9. Consumables for. , (GCs) ... 09 18 0936.
The 5, 9, 11 and 11.5 mm diameter Long Life septa are available with a unique pre-pierced center depression to guide the syringe needle to the same injection
Aijiren offers a wide portfolio of gas chromatography septa, including BTO septa, Merlin Microseals, and long-life septa.
18 09 1306, 18 09 1310, 18 09 1307, 18 09 1311 Racks, Syringe Filters, GC-Septa and crimpers can be ... 09 18 0936. 10 18 0937. 11 18 0938. 12 18 0939.