Uvison.com Aijiren Long Life 11 mm Septa, 100/pk - 5183-4761-100 - Long-Life Non-Stick Septa Aijiren now treats each premium 11mm inlet septa to eliminate
HPLC, UHPLC, or GC? Screw thread caps, crimp top caps, and snap-it caps? Autosampler needle type & tip diameter? Slit or non-slit design
Sun-SRI provides high quality vials, caps, seals, septa, and closures to meet or exceed original manufacturer's equipment specifications and optimize
Vial Septa Hplc found in: 8-425 Septa, LC Certified Vial Kits, 13mm Septa For Screw Thread Vials, Target DP 9mm Vial Closures, Certified Vial Kit, Low..
PTFE/Red rubber septa are not recommended for multiple injections with long run times PTFE/Silicone septa are ideal for use in most HPLC and.
chromatography vials including vial caps and vial septa to help you find just the right solution to protect and store your samples for GC & HPLC analyses.
Jun 30, 2016 Sample-vial septa must withstand multiple punctures during repeated syringe rinsing prior to injection, but there is no long-term requirement ...
Results 1 - 9 of 9 Aijiren's autosampler vials include a wide range of HPLC vials and GC vials designed and optimized to work with Aijiren autosamplers & HPLC, ...