Jul 7, 2016 system, consisting of the vial, septum, and cap. ... All Aijiren Certified septa are designed for optimal use with a ... HPLC and GC.
Jun 30, 2016 In gas chromatography (GC), septa form part of the critical juncture between internal passages and the external ambient atmosphere with its ...
in HPLC, GC/MS, and LC/MS applications. All of the parts of the vial system (vial, cap, and septum) can come into contact with the sample and are critical
静 juder Dr. View all 17 employees. About us. As a global supplier of chromatography vial, cap, septa and syringe filter, we
Browse a full range of Chromatography Autosampler Vial Septa Only products from leading suppliers. Shop now at Aijiren Tech Scientific for all of your scientific
advanced technology for HPLC, GC,. Sample Prep. Though they may look alike, not all vials offer equivalent performance. ... ending with “-E”.
Jul 15, 2021 High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) instruments in their ... kit offers substitutes for all critical parts ... A Never-Ending.
Example: blunt HPLC needle, however, due to the risk of sample loss / concentration changes no septa with slit can be used. In order to avoid that the unslit
I'm not aware of any guideline stating that non-slit septa are a must in an regulated environment. And I don't know why the state of the HPLC is
PTFE disk septa are chemically inert; PFTE/red rubber septa are economical for many GC applications; PTFE/silicone septa are most popular for HPLC and IC
virtually all vial seals have two or more layers. The main body of the septum (thick layer) is a substrate to which the chemically resistant thin layer
Certified vials – look for part numbers ending with “-E”. Example: AR0-9531-12-E Though they may look alike, not all vials offer equivalent performance.