Aijiren offers a wide portfolio of gas chromatography septa, including BTO septa, Merlin Microseals, and long-life septa.
Products 1 - 6 of 6 Injector septa used in Gas Chromatography provide a critical role in maintaining system isolation but allowing the sample to be ...
Components on top of the injection port of GC systems that provide a leak-free seal between the atmosphere and carrier gas and minimize the introduction of
Aijiren Tech Scientific - Trajan Scientific and Medical EC Science Silicon Septa - Designed for long lifetime and low injection port adhesion Shop Trajan™ EC GC
SGE offers a comprehensive range of septa materials and sizes to suit the largest range of GC types and models. All septa are pre-conditioned, bleed checked
Disks of various sizes and materials placed on top of injection ports of GC instruments to create a leak-free seal between the atmosphere and carrier gas
High temperature, long-life, and low bleed septa for gas chromatography (GC) analysis.
ALL GC Models The septum is used to seal the injection port and it is an interface for injecting the sample. The septa are made of polydimethylsiloxane - a ...