EC septa, 7 mm, 50 pc/pak €62.50 SKU: SG041842 Trajan (SGE) EC septa, Long Life, 11 mm, 50 pc/pak €62.50 SKU: SG041912 Trajan (SGE) HT septa, 6 mm, 50 pc/pak €104.00 SKU: SG0418999 In Stock Hamilton 3-Layer GC Septa, 200°C, laminated Silicone Rubber, ø 6,35 mm, 3.81 mm thick, 12 pc/PAK €17.61 €16.72 SKU: HT76001 PerkinElmer
septa and screw cap NEW GC Headspace Vials 40 mL Headspace Convenience Kit – Clear Glass Vial – PerkinElmer Headspace Silicone Convenience Kit contains everything you need
Vial Kit, Screw 2ML 8mm Cap w/ Bonded PTFE/Sil Septa, 100/pkg. Price: $27.26. Vial Kit, Screw 2ML 9mm WM Grad Mark Spot Blue Cap w/ Bonded PTFE/Sil Septa, 100/pkg. Price: $31.14. Vial Kit, Screw 300µL 9mm Grad Mark Spot Blue Ribbed Cap
20 mm Aluminium Crimp Cap with PTFE Silicone Septa 20 mm Magnetic Crimp Cap with PTFE Silicone Septa 20 mm Bimetallic Crimp Cap with PTFE Silicone Septa 20 ml Headspace Vial, Clear Glass, Screw Neck 18 mm Magnetic Screw Neck with Cap (8mm centre hole) with septa 40 ml Clear Vial with Screw Cap and Septa
A specially moulded seal with a PTFE insert. Sealing surface of Butyl and PTFE affects a more positive seal than non-PTFE-faced septa. Ideal choice for temperatures below 125°C. Good sealing characteristics, excellent resistance to most solvents with reduced coring and high puncture tolerance.
2020/03/22 · Screw 9mm (N9) HPLC Vial, Cap, Septa and Inserts 9mm 2mL HPLC Vial without Write-on Spot 9mm 2mL Vial with Write-On Spot Closure & Septa for 9mm Screw HPLC Vial Insert for 9mm (N9) HPLC Vials 3. Screw 13-425 4mL Vial, Cap, Septa and Inserts 13-425 4mL Vial Closure & Septa for 13-425 4mL Screw Vial 4. Snap-Top 11mm (N11) Vial
For layered septa, such as PTFE/silicone, chemicals with sample/solvent, so the chemical resistance of silicone should be considered when using these septa. Double-sided Silicone Septa for Cap The non-pre-slit septas help to reduce carryover from vial to vial because the resealing characteristics of the septum act as a squeegee to wipe solution from the outside of the needle.
How to Choose a Septa Pre-slit or Not? - Hplc Vials - Hplc Vials Jul 31, 2020 · Headspace Vial GC MS Vial EPA VOA TOC COD Vials Caps & Septa Reagent Bottle HPLC Syringe Filter Tools INQUERY Email: Tel: 008618057059123 Whatsapp: +8618057059123 Factory Add: NO.10 Bailing North Road,Qujiang District, Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province,China
2020/09/28 · GC Accessories Septa Septa About About Us Careers News Media Kit Products Browse Products Request Custom Products ISO Quality Credentials Patents & Trademarks Support Troubleshooting & FAQs Report a Problem
Hamilton® GC 3-layer septa Match Criteria: Product Name All Photos ( 1) Wheaton® Microliter Snap Caps With Septa, Light Blue Cap, Gc Only Match Criteria: Product Name All Photos ( 2)
2022/08/31 · Oct 20, 2021 · Aijiren cap septa offers new septum materials and unique processes to improve septum sealing integrity and reduce the risk of sample contamination. Septa are 0.035” Natural Silicone with 0.005” Natural PTFE. High quality silicone is used to ensure proper re-sealing and reduced coring.
CRS Trajan Scientific Americas Inc + 1.502.491.6300 International 1.800.327.3800 U.S. Only
Ensure optimal performance of your GC instrument with bleed and temperature optimized Aijiren Tech™ BTO and TR-Green Septa. Made of low-bleed silicone, these septa have excellent
GC Septa Vials , Caps and Septa ขวดต วอย าง Screw Top Vials , Cap , Septa and Pack Wide Opening 9-425 Screw Thread Vials Crimp Top Vials and Caps