GC septa from Specialty Silicone Products (SSP) are used in gas chromatography (GC), a group of techniques for separating and analyzing volatile compounds.
Considerations Instrument Size Material – Low bleed, soft, long lasting Septa types GP Grade EC Grade MN Grade HT Grade Enduro Blue Low temperature
Products 1 - 11 of 11 Injector septa used in Gas Chromatography provide a critical role in maintaining system isolation but allowing the sample to be ...
Injection Port Septum Even when a low bleed septum is used, bleeding is not to the septum type and bleeding appears as different peaks on a chromatogram.
The Greyhound Chromatography range of Premium GC Septa are precision-moulded and available with a recess on the injection side, to guide the syringe needle
All GC septa, regardless of their composition, puncturability, or resistance to thermal or extraneous (but consistent) peaks in the chromatogram.
The vials used for the preparation of breath samples for automated solid-phase microextraction–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis are crimped
High quality range of GC Septa products available at low cost with Free Delivery available (Terms and For other gas chromatography models on request ...
GC Septa High performance septa, suitable for injector temperatures up to 320 °C. -Good penetration an re-sealing properties (low fragmentation)
Jul 5, 2022 The significant presence of septum-related ghost peaks, causing interference in routine gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analyses at ...
ALL GC Models The septum is used to seal the injection port and it is an interface for injecting the sample. The septa are made of polydimethylsiloxane - a ...
Blister pack for clean and immediately usable septa. Further attractive products to complete your chromatography laboratory can be found on our Chromatography
Target Analysis offers a wide range of septa for gas chromatography analysis. In this category, you will find septa made of an enhanced injection silicone
Find Injector Septa for your Chemical Lab now at SpectrumChemical.com. SpectrumChemical.com carries a full line of Gas Chromatography Supplies.