#Aijiren Bonded Cap for 9mm short thread vials Gas Chromatography, Crimper, Zhejiang, How to produce 9mm screw vial polypropylene Screw top Cap?
Pkg. Press Fit Barrier. 1/2", 0.060", Silicone Rubber/PTFE Plastic, White, Threaded, Polypropylene Plastic, Black, Yes
Screw Top Vials, Caps, Septa and Kits. Polypropylene Crimp/Snap Top Vials . ... Blue polypropylene cap, bonded pre-slit PTFE/silicone septa.
Each product is manufactured using strict quality control standards resulting in consistent cap dimensions with septa which may be certified for higher purity
SSP supplies open-top polypropylene screw caps for 12x32mm vials used with autosamplers, laboratory equipment for automated sample processing. Typically, these
Vials, Plates and Seals for Alliance HPLC Systems. are the best choice. ... screw cap has a PTFE/silicone septum bonded to the polypropylene.
Septa for Aijiren 9mm Open Top Cap, PTFE/White Silicone, 0.040" thick 1.5mL Vials Kit, PP, 12x32mm, 9mm Screw Thread, Blue Open Top Cap and ...
Caps, Screw Top, with Silicone Rubber / PTFE Septa, bonded in "knurled", polypropylene, White Caps. .. $72.24. Add to Cart
Results 1 - 28 of 28 27261-U. black polypropylene hole cap, thread for 8-425, PTFE/silicone, Top Hat (septa and closure designed to fit together tightly), ...
Manufacturer of HPLC Vials - Glass HPLC Vial, Polypropylene Injection Vial, 9mm HPLC Vials Bonded Caps proprietary bonding technology to bond septa to ...
9-425 Screw-Top Vials and Caps with Locked-Fit Septa Polypropylene (PP) vial kits for bio- or ion-chromatography, or pH-sensitive samples.
HPLC 2ml Vials & Caps (9-425) · 9-425 vials are uniformly flat bottom for security with inserts. · PTFE/Silicone septa are most popular for HPLC applications, and
The material of Hawach septa and cap for snap vial are high-quality polypropylene with precise manufacturing tolerances and aligned in a controlled
2.0 mL, 9 mm Short-Cap, Screw-Vial Closures (Polypropylene, preassembled). Cap Color. Septa Aluminum Seals w/Septa for 4.0 mL WISP Crimp-Top Vials.
Caps: Screw, Autosampler, 9mm Thread, w/non-slit Bonded Septa, Blue, with most 9mm, 12x32mm, 2ml screw thread vials in HPLC, LCMS, GC or GCMS.