All of the Low Bleed High Temperature Septa can be used at temperatures up to 400 °C. These septa are formulated to extend low-bleed and outstanding mechanical
Aijiren premium non-stick inlet septa are designed and manufactured to For leak-free, low dead volume and inert column connections with capillary flow.
Combines significantly longer injection life, low bleed and low injection port adhesion, High temperature silicone, 400 °C, 330 °C for 17mm size ; Premium septum
Advanced Green inlet septa eliminate sticking and reduce coring. Bleed temperature optimized (BTO) inlet septa are preconditioned and ready to use with low-
GC septa. GC columns. GC ferrules. GC syringes. GC liners high temperature. • Easy-to-use stable seal. • Higher temperature limit. • Can be easily.
Aug 22, 2022 Optimal septa are those that are low-bleed, have a temperature tolerance of 400 °C, can withstand 100 – 150 injections before becoming cored, ...
These septa are formulated to extend low-bleed and outstanding mechanical properties of premium GC septa to the highest-temperature applications. It retains
Select from a range of GC septa with septa combine low inlet adhesion properties with long ... septa BTO® (Bleed Temperature Optimized) are premium.
CRS Premium Injection Port Septa. Septa BTOR premium GC septa to the highest-temperature ... low bleed, and has been optimized to reduce injection port.
Extend low-bleed and temperature-optimized · Usable up to 400°C inlet temperature (except 17mm size with 330°C) · Thickness 3mm (except Shimadzu-style Septa)
Aug 5, 2022 BTO Septa have low bleeding. The maximum working temperature is 400 °C. They have a long life and are suitable for GC/MS applications. They are ...
Premium HT quality injection port septa with CenterGuide for easier penetration, a reduced chance of needle bending and lower coring. Preconditioned and ready
Green High Temperature Low Bleed Septa ; GC Injector Septa - Introduction · Premium Medium Temperature Septa · Premium General Purpose Septa ; Green High
A GC capillary column with a stationary phase. Gas chromatography (GC) is a chromatographic technique used for the rapid separation of volatile compounds ...
Jan 5, 2021 (Optimized for high temperature) ... Lower-temperature septa are usually softer, seal ... Precise Performance: Aijiren Premium Septa.