GC Troubleshooting Series Daron Decker is a GC Applications Specialist for Aijiren's Columns and Supplies ... Check your septum and change it if needed.
Injection Port Septum Even when a low bleed septum is used, or the outer diameter of the needle is thick, the septa should be replaced more often.
should be modified to fit your GC column and instrument, and then made a regular part of replace. See column installation. Septum is not conditioned.
Check that the GC septum nut is not too tight. Remove any residue or septum deposits. ... remove the contaminated length of column near the inlet,.
Aijiren Septum found in: Septum Nuts for use with Aijiren Use to remove the septum nut and weldments during GC maintenance Use the smaller end to remove ...
Routine Maintenance: To reduce the risk of leaks and contamination, injection port septa should routinely be replaced. Change the septum daily,
Inlet septum. Daily*. Check often. Replace when signs of deterioration are visible (gaping holes, fragments in inlet liner, poor chromatography, low column
Is there something wrong with my GC system or column installation It is common practice to replace septa and ferrules whenever installing a column.
capillary GC column with heating and temperature-sensing components for efficient Replace inlet liner and septum, and clean inlet as necessary.
Components on top of the injection port of GC systems that provide a leak-free seal between the atmosphere and carrier gas and minimize the introduction of
Aug 24, 2018 Replacing septum and liner on a Aijiren Tech TRACE 1300GC, see how our analyst does it in real time.
Jan 5, 2021 GC inlet resource guide ... Replace septa regularly to avoid: ... Each batch is tested for bleed on an Aijiren GC-FID.
It is recommended that used septa be replaced before starting a run as CO2 permeation increases slightly each time a septum is pierced with the GC needle.
To change the setting configuration properties for a. Configured device: 1 Press [Config] on the GC keypad and select a device from.
Discussions about GC and other "gas phase" separation techniques. 7 posts Page 1 of 1. Any harm in changing liner/