网页7 行 · Premium Green Septa. • Low-bleed septum, combines significantly longer. injection life, low bleed and low injection port adhesion. • Maximum temperature (INJ setting
网页Shimadzu offers a wide range of consumables to maximize the performance of GC/GCMS systems. Xtra Low Bleed HS Septa The Xtra Low Bleed HS septa, which has high heat
网页Thermolite Plus セプタム. 10mm. 50. ¥11,100. 注意:注入口のデザインによって実際にセプタムにかかる温度は、GCの機種によって異なります。. Thermo TRACE™ and Focus
网页Screw Cap with Silicone/PTFE septa. Compatible with insert 220-97331-62 or 220-97331-63. 100/pk 220-97331-46 Vial Kit, 1.5mL Clear Glass Vial w/ Cap & Septa, Screw Cap with Silicone/PTFE septa. Compatible with insert 220
网页Home » News » GC Septa » caps alternative to shimadzu GC septa Products list 1-4mL Autosampler Vials for HPLC, UPLC, GC 16mm, 25mm Test Tubes for Water Analysis 6
网页General Purpose Septa for GC. Aijiren’s general-purpose septa are made from an enhanced injection-molded silicone rubber material. The septa material, dark red or gray in color, is specified to withstand over 200 automatic injections at an injection port temperature of 350 °C. You can have confidence in your chromatographic results knowing
网页プレミアムセプタムは、表面にプラズマ処理を施すことにより注入口へのこびりつきを防ぎ、交換を容易にしたセプタムです。. 全てのセプタムはコンディショニング済で低ブリードです。. プラズマ処理はGC分析に影響を与えません。. また、センター
网页2018年1月3日 · Shimadzu’s Nexis GC-2030 has new ClickTek technology to make this Regular maintenance of the injection unit is required to ensure GCs perform at their best. Shimadzu’s Nexis
网页3 221-48398-91 Septa, Chromocol Red High temperature w/ 20pcs; more than 350 C 3 220-90638-00 Septa, Chromocol Blue Temperatures up to 290°C, 25/pk 3 221-35507-02 Septa, Supelco Thermogreen High temperature (340°C), puncture resistant
网页2022年5月9日 · Septum for HT high temperature. Low bleed septum is not required. Long-life septum. Injection unit temperature is lower than 250℃. Low bleed (high-sensitivity
网页Merlin Microseal Septa Phase Information: for Shimadzu GCs • Compatible with Shimadzu models GC-2010 and GC-2025 only. • 450 C maximum injection port temperature. • For
网页1 天前 · the use of this publication. This publication is based upon the information available to Shimadzu on or before the date of publication, and subject to change without notice. 06-SAIP-GC-035-EN First Edition: September 2022
网页the Endura-Seals GC septa an ideal choice for automated analyses in the long sequences used with today’s high capacity autosamplers. The Endura-Seals are available in 11 mm and Shimadzu style kits.
网页2022年5月30日 · 島津製作所のガスクロマトグラフ(GC)は,世界最高レベルの感度と再現性,新しい分析体験をもたらす心地良い操作性,そして,さまざまなアプリケーションに対応する高い拡張性を持った業界標準機です。 SHIMADZU 島津製作所について